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Real-time financial data and analysis.

Finmark brings your marketing, sales, and financial metrics together in one place, giving you a holistic view of your company’s performance.

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Awards And Accolades

All Your Metrics in One Place

Metrics list with definition of CAC Payback

100+ Out-of-the-Box Metrics.

Whether you’re an enterprise SaaS company, a B2C subscription service, or any other business model, our library of over 100 metrics gives you the flexibility to track the KPIs that best fit your business.

Formula guide showing calculation for revenue per sales rep

Your metrics on your terms.

Do you have custom-built metrics you want to bring into Finmark? No worries! You can create unlimited custom metrics—financial and non-financial to understand the overall health of your business.

  • Website visitor and lead information from Google Analytics
  • Pipeline information from Salesforce
  • Customer usage information from your own application
  • + More

“Finmark makes it easy for us to get an overview of our finances in one place. It's simple to use and saves us hours of tedious work, so we can focus on growing our business.”

Ruben Schultz

Co-Founder - Swoop

Try it Free

Data Visualization

operating profit graph on custom dashboard

Build custom dashboards.

Create operational dashboards for different parts of your business. Choose what you want to show, who can see it, and how you want the data to be displayed.

expanded expense chart showing travel expense details

Drill down into the details.

Our expandable charts allow you to double-click into the underlying data, down to the journal entry-level.

two graphs comparing number of employees budgeted vs actual

Compare multiple scenarios.

Quickly compare scenarios against each other to visualize variances.

  • Budgets vs actuals
  • What-if analysis
  • Upside and downside planning

Don't just take our word for it

"I dropped out of undergrad in the middle of my Financial Accounting course. Thankfully, Finmark gave me a pseudo-doctorate in finance. In a beautifully designed dashboard, our finances and plans for continued growth are clear as day."

Matt Redler

CEO and Co-Founder - Panther

"Finmark has saved us tons of time and stress as we've been growing Realworld — it has allowed us to better understand how decisions around a fundraise, new hire salary, or pricing strategy can impact our bottom line. It's my favorite tool to recommend."

Genevieve Ryan Bellaire

Founder and CEO - Realworld

Realworld logo
"You guys have built something amazing. It really makes my life better. Your out-of-the-box features make it possible for us to build complex drivers a lot quicker than anyone else is able to do presently."

Dave Wilson

CFO - ProvenCFO

ProvenCFO logo

Automate Reporting

products that integrate with Finmark

Move faster with integrations.

Streamline month-end-close and board reports by automatically updating your actuals with our suite of integrations.

  • Accounting
  • Payroll
  • Billing system
  • Google Sheets

P&L Cash Flow and Balance Sheet Statements

Automatic financial statements.

Automatically generate your three financial statements and customize them based on how you view your business:

  • P&L Statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Balance sheet

board slides runway burn rate MRR

One click executive and board reporting.

Integrate with Google Suite to update executive and board report packages in one click.

With Finmark

  • Provide strategic insights
  • Track and store unlimited metrics
  • Easily create and compare scenarios
  • Automatically update actuals

Without Finmark

  • Spend hours creating reports
  • Broken formulas in spreadsheets
  • Struggle to model scenarios
  • Spend hours reconciling data

Level up your financial analysis.

Get Started